Cats, those mysterious animals, frequently appear to be happy to sleep all day.
Diabetes in Cats can be seen in felines of all ages, breeds and sexes, however, at Lida Vets in Newmarket, we understand that it is more commonly seen in overweight cats and senior cats.
Maintaining the health of your cat through continuous flea treatment is a necessary and ongoing procedure. Regrettably, there are no instant solutions available. The primary issue with fleas lies in their ability to survive for months without a host.
The kitten is here!
You have just adopted a kitten, and are looking forward too many years of shared tenderness, providing it with everything it needs.
Always bear in mind that, like a big cat, your little kitten will keep any ailment well hidden, until it gets just too serious. So do not hesitate to consult at the slightest change in behaviour or habits.
Rabies is a fatal disease, which affects both cats and humans. Rabies was eradicated from this country many years ago and strict systems are in place to make sure that it is never seen again.
This is caused by two important viruses and may be complicated by secondary bacteria. The two viruses are called feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus, and together they form the disease commonly called "cat ´flu".
Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) is the biggest killer of cats in the UK apart from after car accidents. Infected animals may not show any signs for months or even years, so many more cats may be infected before the warning signs are seen.
Primary Vaccination
For the first few weeks of life, kittens are usually protected against disease from the immunity they receive in their mother´s milk.
Well-fed, properly wormed, regularly treated against parasites and fully vaccinated, your kitten is developing harmoniously. You love it and want it to keep happy and healthy. Then read the following pieces of advice.
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