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Our veterinary team has a wealth of expertise and experience of general practice. However, there are times when we recommend referral to a Veterinary Specialist. We are fortunate to have at our disposal the services of a number of Specialists who are willing to see referred cases within our own clinic, removing the need for sick patients to travel elsewhere.
On occasions, it may be necessary for patients to go to where Specialist facilities are available. In this instance, we are fortunate to be located within 30 minutes of three internationally recognised Veterinary Referral Centres.
Expertise without vast expense and travel
Quietly, on the coat tails of the revolution in human diagnostic technology, veterinary diagnosis has come a long way. Some cases require referral to specialists at the six UK Veterinary Schools and a handful of private clinics but traveling time and high costs are an obvious drawback. We have introduced specialists to Lida Vets who have lessened these problems for a great number of animals by reducing costs, test repetitions and unnecessary waiting.
- David Williams
MA VetMB PhD CertVOphthal FRCVS
- Paul Smith
BVetMed DVC MRCVS RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology East Anglia Cardiology Ltd.
- Jean Benoit Lefebvre
MVDr, Dip ECVS, MRCVS European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery.
- Paddy Mannion
BVMS DVR MRCVS DipECVDI RCVS & European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Cambridge Radiology Referrals.